This project is part of the The Proper Pinwheel’s holiday series, Mission: Merry 2012.
I’m such a fan of projects that don’t cost me a dime. Everyone has cardboard boxes in their home. If you’re like me, you live in “The Land of The Boxes”. These cardboard trees are a fantastic addition to anyone’s holiday decor and it took me maybe 45 minutes to make 5 of them. FIVE, people! It’s like a sweatshop over here…
To make your own cardboard Christmas trees you’ll need:
- cardboard
- X-acto knife
- white acrylic paint
- foam paint brush
Using a pencil, draw out your trees in several different sizes. I didn’t follow a pattern. My trees are not symmetrical. And that’s okay. It’s edgy. You’ll need two flats of a tree to make one actual cardboard tree. Carve them out of the cardboard with the X-acto knife. Take one flat and cut a short thin line in the center from the very top of the tree down to where the first triangle ends. Take the second flat and cut a thin line in the center from the bottom of the tree all the way to where the first triangle begins. It’s like a puzzle. You’ll combine the trees, and what do you know? It’s a 3D tree and it stands on it’s own.
Paint the trees by dipping the foam brush in a little bit of paint and “dabbing” it all over each side of the tree. Let the paint dry. Put the trees back together. Add some peppermints and you’ve got yourself a mini winter wonderland. Congratulations on that. 🙂 Are you loving Mission: Merry 2012 as much as we are? Click here to view all of the other projects!
The Sweet Paul Giveaway ended last night. Were you the winner?!
photo cred: all photos by The Proper Pinwheel
Adore this idea~ perfect for small kids to be around with no trouble!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.
Thanks, Marie! These were definitely one of the easiest projects I’ve ever made. Perfect to make with kids! (Just the painting. Not the cutting.)
Just entered your giveaway! Crossing my fingers I can win that ring! 🙂
These are so cute, and they look really easy to make…what a great idea!
Thanks, Valerie! I am LOVIN’ your blog btw! 🙂 Happy New Year!
Very Sweet Lexy! Simple and fun, just like I like a good DIY project!
Ana, you and me are two peas in a pod. I’m a sucker for the easy DIYs! 🙂