Alternate titles for this post would be:
“Undead Wildlife”
“Zombie Dinosaurs”
“Paint The Toy White”
“The Rawring Dead”
I could go on… This is one of those projects that I am overly excited about. It probably has to do with the fact that I’m now a parent who gets to teach her daughter all about dinosaurs and how they can turn into zombie wildlife with the power of one’s imagination. Thanks, AMC.
If you know me, then you know that I’m terrified of zombies. Truly. My recurring nightmare is one that involves zombies of civil war soldiers. It’s frightening, alright. These zombies are on the friendlier, less-threatening, side of the undead spectrum. I’m okay with ’em. And your kids will be, too.
- assorted plastic toys (hit up your local thrift, dollar store, or child’s toy closet)
- white spray paint
- black sharpie marker
And it goes like this:
Holding the can about 10 inches from the toys, spray the white paint making sure to cover the entire surface of the toy. My toys needed three coats of paint before they were fully covered.
Allow the toys 1 hour of dry time. During that hour, it might be a good idea to catch up on current events. Just a suggestion.
Once the toys are dry, take the sharpie and color the eyes and mouths black. You can also add other black smudges to make them look more “less alive”. The droopier and more leaky the eyes, the better. Just color them in and turn them to black smudges. My animals were a lot neater and Logan told me that made them less terrifying. What does he know?!?!
Now that you’ve done the impossible, place these guys all around the house or the yard. My zombie toys had a battle in the forest. Who won? It was a toss-up.
Should the toy apocalypse affect robots, we’re all in trouble.
Of course The Moose is part of the undead community.
And this little menace…
I actually think this guy is a little terrifying!
You could have the undeadliest yard in your neighborhood this year. But it’s not a competition, right? Right…
This project is part of our Halloween series, MISSION: SCARY. To see more Halloween projects, click here!
photography: all photos by The Proper Pinwheel
To see more DIY projects, click here!
These are so fun, Lex. They’re a little bit creepy and a little bit cute. 🙂 Perfect for Halloween.