What’s that you said? I haven’t posted a Fresh Find Friday roundup in a long while? Oh that’s correct. But let’s not dwell on the past, mmmkay? Even though I work from home, I cherish the weekends. I look forward to them ALLLLLLL week long. We’ve got nothing-but-baby-projects on the docket this weekend. First up: the painting of the nursery. Stay tuned for how that goes down. We’ve got to cover some dark brown walls with some super light paint. And when I say “we”, I actually mean “Logan”. He’s such a trooper and he doesn’t even know it.
The photo above is an illustration of our beloved Taggers created by my pal, Joy Laforme. She’s created a fun series called The Pet Project where she illustrates other bloggers’ pets! I’m so honored to have Tagg included. Doesn’t he look so classy and regal in those wellies? Yup.
Painted beach balls. Ya need ’em.
A sweet, sequined pillow.
I’m all about the picnics these days.
Summer camp in a box. I love her.
A cotton candy garland. How sweet. Literally.
The recap of our EAT DRINK CREATE SUMMER event!
What I made with the Trade & Made Challenge!
**happy weekend**
photo cred: Illustration by Joy Laforme
Thanks for the shout out Lexy! And Tagg DOES look classy in those wellies. 🙂
Girlfriend, you are WELCOME! And I love him in those lil’ boots. I’m going to blow this up and have it printed!