No, no, no. Not THAT January Jones. Though I am a huge fan of hers. Are you watching Mad Men? Where is she?
We are currently house-sitting and our decor is not our own. I can’t nest and it’s killing me. And here’s why:
Kirsten Bingham is the talented artist behind January Jones Prints. Â Custom art for your walls reflecting the cities and states you know and love. She’ll even do custom drawings of your home! So cute it hurts. She currently lives in Denver and is about to have her second baby! She’ll be taking a break and working a little less, so get your order in STAT. Maybe get a map of your neighborhood.
**Happy Thursday**
all photos by January Jones
What a great find. and YAY for Seattle being featured! I would love to have a drawing of my first home – what a great heirloom that would make! And I know what you mean about fighting the urge to nest. I’m house sitting too and everyday I have to remind myself not to buy stuff for it.
I will totally be having a custom drawing of our first home. Someday. When we buy it. đŸ™‚ It’s tough to house-sit! It’s nice to save a little cash, but not having any decor of my own is KILLING me!