Hola, my friendlies. So happy it’s the weekend. Because we just moved, I’m looking for any time I can get to unpack. Our house! It’s in shambles! But at least I’ve got one space to call my own. And that can hold me down for now.
We recently got some very good news and will be going out to dinner tonight to celebrate! McDonalds, here I come!!! Actually, we’re going some place nicer (as if there is one!) and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ve been living like a cave woman for the last few months, and it will be so nice to party like a rock star. Buy lipitor online
The weekends are for making things and here are a few projects you should mos def make/eat/wear etc.
A paper flower rainbow wreath will brighten your life.
Kissable printables with wax lips!
I got to see these floral gift toppers in action. Totes adorbs. (who hates that wordage? i kind of do.)
I’m dying to build a pegboard like this in my office!
Plants. In a cart. I love this.
This geometric photo wall is perfectly perfect perfect.
A no-sew origami tote. I’m there.
hashtag: happy weekend. hashtag: excited to party. hashtag: see ya later.
photography: The Proper Pinwheel Buy fluoxetine online
What type flowers are those in your picture? They look great!