I absolutely love yardwork. For me, there is no greater satisfaction than preparing a meal with ingredients from your own backyard. This gets kind of tricky. I’m a picky eater and I can’t very well grow brownies in my own backyard, so I have to work a little harder to find the right veggies, fruits, and herbs for me. I’ve been trying to spend a lot of time outside this year. I’m working more now than I ever have so it’s nice to pull some weeds every now and again. I’m also a huge fan of earthy tones and if I had to choose what would make the most perfect day in the garden – all the above, please.
What do you love most about gardening? Do you do it for the exercise? Or are you more of a Bree from Desperate Housewives kind of gardener?
I think I am doing it all wrong, because I definitely don’t look anything like the moves in that “exercise” video when I am weeding. Hahahahahaha!
I just watched it again. DON’T go show your friends at school those moves and definitely not your teacher.
Also, that glass misting jar is soooo cool.
Is that video not the funniest thing you’ve ever seen? “Have fun with it!” “Make up your own moves!” So great.
Love your board! I love gardening and I wish I had a yard or any outside space … Our balcony fits our BBQ and two chairs and that’s about it.
About a year ago, we were housesitting and the backyard was so beautiful! There were about 3 different garden plots for me to play around with. I even had an herb garden! I mean, I usually eat fast food so it was just to look at. 🙂
love these, especially the mister! Glad that I found your blog through the blogger bunch. I look forward to following along!
Thanks for visiting, Nicole! Wasn’t Blog Brunch just awesome?! I was so happy to have finally made it to one and it moves so quick! But I definitely learned a ton! 🙂