Oh man, you guys. Did you think I quit blogging? You must have. I may seem like I have it together, but the truth is, I don’t! I can’t believe the amount of time that has passed since I was last here. I have been sharing projects elsewhere, and left y’all high and dry!
To be diabetically frank, I’m still trying to figure out how to manage the new health sitch. And it’s tough now that Vita-girl is walking! Did you see the video? Cutest girl in the world. My heart stops dead every time. Every. Time. I’ve been running around like a chicken with her (I’m a female chicken, of course) head cut off! You know when you just can’t seem to manage it all, but somehow, you make it to the end of every day only to start over tomorrow? That’s how I’ve been feeling and I’m slowly figuring out how to climb out of my hibernation. https://medstaff.englewoodhealth.org/wp-content/languages/new/mirtazapine.html
Thank you so much for your emails, texts, and messages of support! I feel so lucky to have such a great community that comes from blogland. Y’all are tops!
All this is to say that I have a project to share with you! The words above were code for, “Let’s use some kitchen staples to create printed moleskine notebooks!”.
Materials needed:
- paintbrushes
- acrylic paint
- straw
- rigatoni pasta (dry! don’t boil it, my friends.)
- pretzels
- moleskine notebooks (found at Target)
Pretzels make a really fun and unique heart-shape when painted and pressed onto a flat surface. Just cover the flat side of the pretzel with a little paint and stamp away!
Layer different colors on top of each other for a classy look. Classy moleskine!
To make a cute circular pattern, simply dip one open end of a rigatoni noodle in the paint and stamp several circles before dipping again.
Once more, layer for class.
This might be my all time favorite pattern. Cover an entire rigatoni noodle in paint.
Thread a straw through the noodle.
Holding one end of the straw, move the noodle across the notebook in steamroller fashion. After you’ve completed a row, cover the noodle in another layer of paint, and continue to roll until the entire notebook surface is covered.
We are classy and these be classy notebooks. So we layer another color of paint over the top.
Now, package ’em up all pretty with some yarn and ship ’em off to The Queen. I hear she likes classy Moleskine.
To see more DIY projects, click here!
photography: all photos by The Proper Pinwheel
These are super cute. Thanks for the idea. Now I’m off to Target!
How adorable! Such creative ideas 🙂 I love moleskins so much.