Woo!!!!! It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do for a room! I have been so excited about sharing pictures of our living room update after all of the clutter was moved out! After we finished painting (read more in yesterday’s post), it was nice to put all of our furniture back together and see how the room looked with our new white walls. SO, let’s get right to it, shall we?
I was able to sneak a picture of our space in the thick of it all. I just used the ultra sharp nails of my baby to cut a slit right through the plastic door. And voila! What a mess!
But look at her now…
As you can see, I replaced the dead plants. And put in a few newbies. Because I just can’t help my plant-lovin’ heart. At the time these photos were taken, we were in the process of plotting out some new furniture plans with our pals over at Bassett Furniture. This space felt a little like a mess when I stepped back and looked at the whole picture.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the white paint. This room update is super fresh and clean now, but I just felt like the furniture we were kicking it with didn’t really complete the space. Mainly because this room is quite large and our little sofa felt a wee bit small.
We had a few small sidetables to try to fill up the space. But you can tell it’s just a few different aesthetics goin’ on.
I’m really loving this view. I also don’t mean to be ALL CACTUS ALL THE TIME, but we live in the freaking desert and they’re everywhere. So why wouldn’t I deck out our fire place that we use maybe once every 18 months???
Painting the walls of our living room absolutely breathed life into the space. I feel like it’s helped get us on the right track. And I’ve been spending the last months scheming up plans on how to finish this room up and have been collecting art like a mad woman. BUT I am super stoked to share pics of the next step we took things! This furniture has been good to us over the years, but we’re slowly growing into adults. We fought it as long as we could… 😉
Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing all about the furniture we’re planning to use here (you can read more about the design process right here!) and be sure to come back here and see how it’s turning out. We’ve got quite a few more updates planned before I feel like this room is complete.
I know that some experts say that white is out and statement walls are the thing, but I just can’t help going back to a clean palette. I love having a simple backdrop to work with and change as my mood sees fit. So we’ll start with some new furnishings to give it one more facelift.
What do you think? Are you all about that white? Or do you prefer a moody blue or green wall? Or are you wishing we stuck with that original yellow that we were blessed with when we bought the house?? My mind can go in a million different directions, but I’m feeling really good about where we’re at.
photography \\ Lexy Ward