I’m on the palm leaf train, my friends. They’re everywhere. And I’m so glad about it because who doesn’t love a little nature?! We are leaving for Hawaii in t-minus 24 hours and you can bet your bottom dollar that a few items featuring this fantastically botanical print are packed in my suitcase and ready to see the beach. I had to take it a step further and create this printed palm leaf pouch to tote around my makeup and other odds and ends on the trip. And you should totally make your own, my friends. It’s ridiculously simple!
- wooden block – 2″ x 4″
- craft foam (preferably 6mm for extra thickness!)
- double-sided tape
- scissors
- pencil
Start by drawing your leaf. Now, there is no right or wrong way to do this. I simply looked at a leaf on one of Vita’s rompers and copied the design. Draw it out with a pencil, cut that sucker, and then use the tape to attach it to the wood block. The best part about using the double-sided tape is that you can remove the stamp and clean it as well as easily change up the design.
Instead of pushing the stamp into a bunch of paint, simply paint a few thin layers directly onto the foam. This will help control the crisp edges so that your lines aren’t gobbed up (it’s a phrase) with extra paint.
Press the stamp onto the surface of the pouch. Be sure to distribute the pressure as evenly as you can. If the paint is uneven in some places, just go over it gently with the paintbrush!
I went an extra step. Because I’m intense. And over-the-top. And because I can. And I stamped the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of some envelopes to get my correspondence up to the botanical level it should be. Want a letter in the mail? https://medstaff.englewoodhealth.org/wp-content/languages/new/mirtazapine.html
Cute, right? This pouch was picked up at H&M a bit ago. Y’all still may be able to find this exact one near their checkout counters, but just in case – similar ones can be found here, here, and who wants the straw pillow?!?!
This will be a nice refresher from the giant purse I’m always lugging around! And it still holds all the essentials like my new perfume that I purchased because the box was so pretty!
We used this stamp-making technique at last month’s Mother’s Day workshop with Anthropologie and it was a hit! It’s the easy, breezy, clean-y, way to carve, my friends.
Are you as in love with the palm leaf as the rest of us? Or are you still lovin’ the pineapple? (Still an excellent choice!) Let’s get mechanical about the botanical.
concept, styling, & photography \\ Lexy Ward
This is so lovely! Definitely going to give this a try <3
Sophie | http://www.dreamsandcolourschemes.com
Thanks, Sophie! It’s so easy and really does make a big impact!