I can’t really believe what I’m typing. We’re nearing the end of 2014. What the what the?!?! I feel like I was JUST recapping last year’s Eat Drink Create Holiday bash and here I am announcing the new one! (And get ready, because I’m soon sharing all the deets from last month’s pie workshop! It was amazing. I’m not just saying that.) I don’t know where the time went?! But you know? I’m so excited about this one. I’m always excited about the holidays in general. I love getting presents! I mean giving them. I love to GIVE. And wrap. And okay, I like to accept… So sue me. 😉
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I was on the fence about doing another EDC Holiday party. I’ve just been so burnt out with the baby thing and the diabetes thing that I really didn’t know if I was up for it. And I have received SOOOOOO many emails and messages requesting one because last year was, seriously, the most fun anyone’s ever had at a West Elm on a snowy night while SOBER! And thinking about it, I just decided to make it an annual thing. generic plavix
Keep reading!
So it’s happening! And it’s going to be fun, I tell you! F-U-N. There will be several DIY stations for y’all to choose from! There will be some cookies waiting to be decorated! There will be snacks! Lots of snacks because snacks are the most important meal of the day.
What’s a Christmas tree without pretty pretty ornaments? We will absolutely be making some ornys that will grace your tree for years to come! *hashtag accidental selfie in that ornament shot up top*
You don’t want your mantle to be naked this holiday season, do you? I’m on a mission to prevent nude mantels around the Denver area by providing Christmas stockings and other mantel decor to the masses. You come party with me and there’s a good chance you’ll be able to prevent the nudity as well.
We’ll do it all while enjoying tasty tasty treats from my favorite Denver bakery, Happy Cakes Bakeshop!
Tell me you’ve had a Happy Cake.
I recently took The Alison Show’s Cookie Party e-course. (The girl knows what’s up when it comes to the cookie!) I’ve been a slave in the kitchen icing cookies for royalty (slight exaggeration), and I wanted to make cookies for all of you. I wanted to make cookies for all of the internet! I absolutely 100% stand by the course and encourage you to take it as well. You have 1.5 hours, don’t you? Don’t you think you could spend that time bettering your cookie-self? I know I could. And did. (That course has nothing to do with EDC, but the cookies I made were too fun not to share and they fit the holiday-theme of this post. So roll with it, okay?)
Ombre watercolor cookies! You can do it. And you will. On December 4th, 2014, at West Elm in Cherry Creek. 🙂
And then you’ll head home with some awesome-sauce goodies! Everybody wins.
Convinced you need to be there?! Get your tickets here!

photo by Kate Hellinger from EAT DRINK CREATE Holiday 2013

photo by Kate Hellinger from EAT DRINK CREATE Holiday 2013

photo by Kate Hellinger from EAT DRINK CREATE Holiday 2013
Now, I feel like I have to write a disclaimer here. Last year’s event was free. I know, I’m so generous, right? 😉
While I LOVE putting on events that don’t cost you a dime, I have realized a few things over the last year or so:
1. In order for me to create a baller experience for every attendee, it can’t always be free. I love getting sponsors for these events, and have been so hashtag blessed to have had the opportunity to work with amazing brands who believe in creativity. I want to send everyone home with happy memories and great gifts, but it’s hard when I’m paying for that out of my own pocket. By paying a little to attend these events, you’re allowing ME to create quality gifts and experiences for YOU. That money is basically going right back in your pocket, but in the form of pretty swag (I honestly hate the word swag. Is there a different word we could use?). generic premarin
2. I really don’t have another reason to add here. But please know that I work really hard to provide unique and memorable experiences with each event. I bust my buns to make sure you leave feeling spoiled, exhausted (from all the crafty fun, of course), and excited to come party at the next one!
You can read more info about the Holiday party happening next month at West Elm by clicking the invite link below. I hope you’ll join me, because I can guarantee a jolly good time!
Ready to buy a ticket? Click here! $20 bones will get you all the holiday riches your heart can muster. 🙂 But hurry! There are only so many tickets so that it can still be intimate and fun. Grab your pals and snag some tickets!
Click here to check out last year’s holiday event with West Elm! Should we just make it be with West Elm every year? I feel a bond forming… You can also check out the #eatdrinkcreate hashtag to see lots and lots of pictures from past events! And there’s always a smashing good video by Evergreen Lane Productions after each partay. Can you see your face in last year’s vid?
Eat Drink Create – Holiday from Annabelle Mintz on Vimeo.
I really truly hope to see you there. If you’re not in Denver, then just hop on a plane! Do whatever it takes to get here. We’ll get breakfast in the morning. 😉
photography: graphic & all photos by The Proper Pinwheel unless otherwise stated
Lexy! I just signed up and I cannot wait! I am so excited to attend and you are SO funny! love your chatty blog posts and your fun sense of humor. please let me know if you need any help or if there is anything I can do. Excited to make this happen! i must be insane because I have a show December 5 and 6th and this will make my week Cray cray but that is okay. YOLO!
Have a great weekend!
Kara! I am SO happy to hear you are coming! This will just be the best! This is one of my fave events of the year because it’s actually pretty low key!!! 🙂 Hooray!
Bummer! I’ll be visiting Denver (for the first time!) in December, but not until the end of the month. Any New Years Eve events in the works?
OH man!!!! I will be out of town over New Years!!!! Ugh! I want to meet ya!
those cookies!!!!! You do Christmas so well! Come here and decorate our place, please!!??