Sometimes I feel like a broken record because I’m just so happy when the weekend rolls around. It’s just nice to have The Husb home to help with all the extra things. Not to mention, quality time together. Which, at this point, is something we’re struggling to get as I’ve been traveling so darn much. We’re packing up right now to go camping and spend the night up in the Arizona mountains. And I’m so so excited. The first camping trip of the year is always a fun one! Mostly because there is usually something we’ve forgotten to pack (matches, toilet paper, games, toothpaste, etc.) and so we improvise. Wish us luck tonight! Before we get in the car, some links for the weekenders!
An actual liquid phone case! With Coca Cola!!!!
I’m going to need a whole collection of these mini retro serving boards!
A plate-rack-turned-workspace-organizer?!?! You had me at “hello”.
Printable confetti cones just in time for graduation!
Can somebody please gift me this charcoal backpack?! It’s a need for sure.
Just snagged this beauty of a summer dress and am ready to wear it everyday ’til September.
Mostly because rosemary and grapefruit is the ultimate combo right now.
**happy weekend**
photography \\ Lexy Ward