Oh me, oh my! Thanksgiving came and went! That was fast, wasn’t it? December starts tomorrow, and with that, comes a month of holiday cheer. I’m a huge fan of the last month of the year. December is my absolute fave. We live in Arizona now (land of the cactus), and have several succulent-type plants out year-round. And I’m sharing my favorite tips for getting those year-round plants holiday ready over on Curbly today!
That’s right. Think string lights and tinsel and ornaments everywhere. There are tons of easy ways to get your plants in tip-top shape for the holidays. And these are great tips especially if you won’t be sporting a Christmas tree this year!
I know things have been crazy quiet here since Thanksgiving, but we’ve had a crazy week over here that just called for some silence online. After a horrible low blood sugar episode while Christmas shopping and then little miss Vita cutting her head open and needing some stitches, I have basically prescribed myself a bunch of naps. And I’m just coming out the other end and am ready to holiday-ify both your and my life for the next month!
So head on over to Curbly today to see my tips for your plants and then come on back here tomorrow for the beginning of our favorite holiday series, Mission: Merry! There will be downloads, printables, recipes, and DIY projects! All our fave things to get this year to go out in style!
How To Make Year-Round Plants Look Good For The Holidays
styling & photography \\ Lexy Ward