I’m feeling in an air-planty mood. We recently picked up a bunch for an upcoming project and they sure are pretty! We were doing some test-shots and I just felt like you needed to have some air plant goodness straight on your phone. Because I’m a botanical giver, people! So here ya go! A botanical wallpaper download to brighten your Thursday! (at the bottom of the post!)
We also scored some beautiful garden roses that were just opening up and melting my heart. Like garden roses do.
That big guy is such a show-stealer…
DOWNLOAD \\ Botanical Wallpaper
Check out some of our other wallpaper downloads here! And if you do beautify your screen, share a photo of it with #properprintables! We like to regram some of our faves! 🙂
styling & photography \\ Lexy Ward
Woww.. Amazing collection of wallpapers. Thanks for sharing these Wallpaper with us. Really beautiful wallpaper. All images are great but i really like the first with the cellphone in it.
i am really happy those wallpapers fit my phone screen, they are amazing wallpapers . i can’t wait to change my girlfriend screen with one of these beautiful wallpapers