It’s been a colorful (and quiet!) week in our house. We had family in town, the husb was out of town, I left town, I came back to town. Oh, and I ate all of the sprinkles. Or did I just buy all of the sprinkles??? We’ve happened upon the most colorful sprinkles in town and felt that they would make the best of wallpapers. On your phone. On your desktop. Sprinkles in your mouth! We need all the sprinkles, you guys!!! This sprinkles wallpaper download is kind of the ultimate in sweet wallpapers! And you know how we like our sugar. And wallpapers.
I mean, look at that sprinkle goodness. Vita was a little tooooo excited when she saw these photos.
As usual, there are several images to choose from so you can get just the right amount of color to your tech gadgets.
Get yourselves some colorful sprinkles on your desktops or on your phones!
DOWNLOAD \\ Sprinkles Wallpaper Download
Check out our other wallpapers like these cactus wallpaper downloads by clicking right here!
**Quick note! Please remember that these images are for personal use and not to be redistributed in any commercial fashion without written permission from the creator. Thanks!
photography \\ Lexy Ward
I LOVE this! I LOVE sprinkles! This will definitely go on my background!
I think i pretty much say that each download is my favorite and then you come out with another! very cute!